
I've been a fan of science fiction for decades, esp. the classic, futurist era between the 1930s-1950s. It was an optimistic time when the future was going to be bright. Mankind was going to progress, and in doing so raise upwards and onwards.

No, I'm not ignorant of the sociopolitical realities of those eras, and how the idealized message often differed from reality. But this blog isn't about reality! It's about the ideal. The concept that mankind could, and should, improve itself rather than degenerate into the petty infighting of tribalism, nationalism, and all those other -isms that have kept us from reaching the stars! (You may be shocked to learn Things to Come is one of my favorite films... 😉 )

That said, my blog won't just be about futures that never were. I'm a traditional artist. I enjoy the tactile feel of painting on board and using pencil on paper. I have a deep and abiding respect for artists working in traditional media, and makers who create things by hand. In that vein I'll be highlighting art which inspires me: whether classical, science fiction, fantasy, retro illustration, pulp, or comic book. I want to introduce you to artists who speak my language. Some you may know. Others may be obscure. But all should be remembered.

Along with this I'll share some of the traditional tools and techniques I've acquired over the years.

So buckle in, twist on your space helmet and sit in the launch seat. It's going to be a wild ride!


In memoriam: Christos Achilléos